Connective Tissue Massage
The connective tissue massage is a manual stimulation therapy in which various skin, subcutaneous and fascia techniques are used. These techniques should not only bring about local effects at the location of the massage, but also remote effects on internal organs via certain nerve stimuli.
This form of massage was discovered by chance in 1929 by the German physiotherapist Elisabeth Dicke, as she also felt an effect on the blood circulation in her legs when treating painful areas in her pelvis.
The connective tissue massage mainly treats areas in the back area. Various techniques are used to loosen "sticky" areas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. At the beginning the pelvic region in particular is massaged, after a few treatments the whole back and later also the stomach. A special form is the so-called segment massage, in which individual body segments are processed.
By using the various techniques, the patient feels a sensation of cutting in the treated areas, as the tissue is supplied with more blood. Indicators for a connective tissue massage:
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system
- Diseases of the internal organs
- Vascular diseases
- Neurological disorders
- Stress
- Sudeck's disease