Trigger point treatment against muscle pain
The muscle hurts? "Aching"? Tension?
Perhaps you feel a small, flexible nodule in the muscle, a painfully tense point in the musculature. We call this nodule the "trigger point".
Trigger points are tense points in the muscle. Sometimes they even cause pain in other parts of the body than just the affected muscle. It is believed that musculoskeletal pain can often be triggered by the muscles themselves and the fasciae.
How is a trigger point created? It occurs when the smallest units of the muscle - the sarcomeres - remain in a tense position and can no longer loosen themselves. The affected area is poorly supplied with blood. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is required to relieve tension, but this is only present in the muscle if there is good blood circulation!
In our treatment, we look for these points in the muscles and use special massages to increase blood flow - and ATP can be brought back to the tense areas. This increased blood flow releases the trigger point and relaxes the entire muscle - this relaxation leads to the muscle pain subsiding.
Trigger therapy is a highly efficient form of muscle relaxation, especially in combination with "dry needling" (without medication!). Freedom from pain or at least a significant reduction in pain is achieved with a high degree of probability!